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Sunday, November 14, 2010

STOP!!! if you're thinking of getting a dog/cat..please consider adopting

Man's Best Friend

Today I went to Sierra Vista Mall to check out the new Kohls that sprung up on that side of town. As I walked in I heard two dogs barking and quickly went on a search to figure out where the barking was coming from. It was a pet adoption center called ACT (Animal Compassion Team of California). As I walked it my heart began to melt. I have such a soft side for dogs and wanted to take them all home.
I think everyone who is considering getting a dog or cat should strongly consider adopting instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a pure breed. There are so many cute, adorable, and absolutely lovable animals that will make the whole process worth it.

Just walk in and trust me these animals will win your heart over. 

To read more on the topic I have listed some links below:

Dogs for life

If you are interested in adoption here is the link to ACT and some of the dogs/cats they have up for adoption:

ACT-Animal Compassion Team
Biscuit 4 year old Wirehaired fox terrier mix

Patch 2 month old pitbull terrier

Abigail 2 months Dachshund/Chihuahua and brothers Archie and Arnold

Twix 2 month old Tabby

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