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Friday, November 12, 2010

Airline Magazines-Great Ideas can equal Great Success!

While I was flying home from Mississippi I started flipping through the pages of my AmericanWay Magazine (the magazine offered on American Airline flights) and came across an interesting article.

 By the way I love reading inflight magazines and finding half finished crossword puzzles.... okay back to the article.

The article was titled "The Denim King" ands hunky cowboy look-alike image quickly caught my attention. As I started reading the article I noticed that the concept was about clothing resale. Better yet....DENIM RESALE. Everyone loves a good pair of denim jeans and it's amazing how long they've been around and not much has changed.  Brit Eaton aka Hunky Cowboy look-alike, travels around the U.S. in search of really old used denim jeans. He travels to remote areas where people most likely don't know what Facebook or Google is and finds jeans that are 50-100 years old.  He buys these jeans for nearly nothing and sells them for hundreds of dollars at places like the Rose Bowl flea market in Pasadena. People buy these jeans to foster new ideas in fashion, buy a unique collectable or to add a new OLD pair of jeans to their closet.  I think the best part is that he's utilizing the idea of recycling fashion. Cotton prices are skyrocketing and jeans are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Great ideas can equal great success. The trick is to follow your intuition and see your idea through.

I find it incredible how individuals fall upon a gold mine unexpectedly and end up on Forbes 400. I doubt Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, or even Bill Gates knew they would one day make this famous list of "The Richest People in America". It's amazing how one idea can revolutionize the way people think, shop, and network. I like to stop once in a while, flip through the pages of Forbes and imagine where I might be 10 years. You never know....maybe one day I might make THE list.

"The great accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas and enthusiasm."-Thomas J. Watson

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