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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH-best kept secret for the bargain shopper

 love shopping and bargains-make sure to hit the sample sales downtown LA.


* Street parking is hard to come by so your better off finding a parking structure. Stay away from ground zero (9th and Los Angeles st.) the further you are from the Fashion District the the cheaper parking will be for you. If you don't mind walking my advise is take the Metro Red Line and gett off on 7th street/metro.
*Bring CASH because ATM's are hard to come by although there is a BofA, CHASE, and Union Bank at the Cal Mart. 
* Bring a large tote to carry your merchandise in. 


NEW MART-list of show rooms have sample sales
127 E 9th St, Los Angeles, CA‎ -(213) 627-0671

COOPER BUILDING-no list of worth a look
860 S. Los Angeles St. ( cross street 9th st. )

CAL MART-sample sale info
10 East Ninth Street (Across from the mart)

GERRY BUILDING- worth taking a look 

One more thing- Forever 21 is having a parking lot sale Saturday 9/25

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


If I were this next millionaire in the world I would be guilty of spending the majority of my money on shoes. I love shoes! I love shoes so much that I decided to create a collection of paintings on shoes. Where do I grab of my inspiration....well from everywhere. Haute Couture to Vintage....Urban chic to Ghetto fabulous. 

Here are some hot shoes I found over the interent...

black tie up bottie

Christian Louboutin


Black Wedge bootie

Monday, September 13, 2010

Three day trip to LOS ANGELES

The best part of going back to LA is the idea of focusing on getting things there that you can't get back home. This applies to restaurants, people, and shopping.

First day we decided to attend Oktoberfest 2010 in Torrance's ALPINE VILLAGE. We love beer and this is the best. A little beer goes a long ways as our friends learned the hard way. You hang out with good friends, drink a couple beers, and as for me "peep watch".

My friend Becky has great sense of style and is not afraid to be wearing something unique and different. She decided to wear a denim blue button up top with 3/4 length sleeves but instead of wearing it traditionally she had it tie at the buttom which exposed her white tshirt beneath.
Reminds me of the 50's or Grease's pink ladies. She wore cropped jeans and white sling back sandals. Modern take on an old style.
She never ceases to look lovely and fashion forward.

DAY 2 "Shopping"

Whenever I am in LA I love to shop second hand stores. My favorite is Crossroads and Buffalo Exchange. I found the cutest top at Buffalo Exchange by Kimchi & Blue. I believe this label is exclusively at Urban Outfitters but the label looks almost primitive. Anywho...the top is beautiful. Abstract floral motif in different shades of blue with white. Although it's polyester and not silk it drapes wonderfully with a soft hand. The best part of it all is the flat smooth shanked button in gold.

After shopping for several hours I decided to swing by Marshalls. Compared to Marshalls in small cities, Marshalls in LA carries brands we actually love. My favorite Marshalls is on Ventura Blvd in Studio city. I found a pair of cute skinny jeans by  Velvet Heart. My husband found a fabulous pair of shoes by Polo by Ralph Lauren. The price was GREAT but there was none in his size. SAD FACE!!

DAY 3 "Lunch and Sopping"

Lunch at 3rd Street Promenade  was great. I love having a good burger with bleu cheese crumbs. There is a restaurant there for every occasion. The occasion was FOOTBALL so we went to Barney's Beanery.
Next stop was Kitson Outlet which I thought was only suppose to be there temporarily. Although I didn't find anything worth my time I bought a book which is called "Fashion A to Z An Illustrated dictionary" by Alex Newman and Zakee Shariff. Very cute and worth having on the coffee table.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It'a a doggy dog world

I love my dogs!

Although I have only two female dogs, I have adopted my moms two dogs as well.

They're all unique in their own way......

"Chanel aka Chanelly" is a dog full of character. She is not perfect but she is very cute. I adopted her in 2007 when she was only a couple months old. She is a mix of terrier, chihuahua, and who-knows-what. 
Most of the time people will make fun of her abnormal shaped body, her big "bugsy" eyes, or her snaggletooth. She may not be perfect but she makes up for it in her personality and brains. 
She always make me laugh! My husband says she is almost human since one way or another we know what she is thinking or saying in her actions. She loves traveling and love being around people. She always knows when we're going out of town and lays on our luggage to stop us from going. LOL

"Chloe aka Coco" After having Chanel for five months we realized she was developing some destructive behavior. She was eating the molding on the wall, my laundry, her leash, and peeing whenever she wanted. Immediately we needed to find a solution to this problem....that's when we decided to get Chloe. They are actually related since Chanel is Chloe's aunt from her mama's side. At first Chanel didn't like Chloe and became very jealous but through the months they became in inseparable. Chloe is very skinny and less shaggy than chanel. She definitely brings out the Chihuahua in her. She is a big scary cat and gets scared when people blow air in her face. Besides are her faults she is very loving and always wants to lick your hand, face, leg over and over again. We sometimes call her "speedy gonzalez" because she is so fast. None of the other dogs can catch her when they're playing TAG.

Other Members of the family include:

"Princess aka old Lady"
she is the oldest member of our doggy
family and therefore is super spoiled. She is a yorkie/lhasa apso and is over 13 years old.
"Chicle aka chicky" The newest member of our doggy family and the youngest. Chicle is only 6 months and therefore is an Almeraz Dog in training. He needs lots of time and attention. He's super cute but a little monster. He loves to play and has a little too much energy for the rest of the clan. I think sometimes he thinks Princess is his mom so he is really attached to her.